Oh, Louisiana.

031; 제대로 놀아줘?
Friday 18 October 2013 | 21:57 | 0 voices

Currently playing this song on repeat. It's got such a badass beat and feel, and so much rapping (or repping heh), how could I not love this? Comma spam there, no wonder my essays resemble speeches. >_>

Anyway, I was feeling kinda blue about university and I strung my thoughts on a string of words within a post. No point posting it up, it's depressingly incoherent. It also consists of a single paragraph so any rules governing the structure of a rant have been lost on me.
To be honest, I have been stressed about a ton of nonsense lately, really. Work (or rather, the workplace) has been a total douche to me. I can't quit because of certain reasons too. Hmph. :/ Someone, please teach to be a total angel about this. I hate it when people just take advantage of you and I hate it even more when I know oh so clearly about it yet I let them go ahead anyway. ARGH. Blame my incompetency, I really have to step up my game. I must not blame work for my average grades, I WILL DO WELL DESPITE THIS. STOP WORRYING.
Mantra: work is nothing. Worry about it only when you are in the environment. Don't strive to be excellent at shelving fast, so long as you do it properly. You are great at counter so keep it up. You are good at this, just two months more!

But I only have a month and two weeks left till exams and I am honestly freaking out right now. :/ I still have a quiz about psycho-linguistics this coming Monday, a 2000-word essay to turn in by the end of this month, another 1000-word essay by the first week of next month, a French oral test in November and three written exams at the end of November. Y_Y HOW CAN I NOT IMMERSE MYSELF IN STUDYING?
I have to give up my language studying for a while though... It makes me a little sad but oh well. I will take that test in April and ace it, I SWEAR I WILL. CAPS.

I am very emotionally compromised now, sigh...


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