Oh, Louisiana.

Friday 10 May 2013 | 11:20 | 0 voices
Today is the opportunistic make-it-or-break-it day. The pinnacle of my feelings rest on this one day, where I shall attempt a mere greeting of 'Hello'. It is silly, I know but I have to rein in these feelings somehow. As I type and retype my sentences, I can already feel my nerves winding up into a ball of conversations that can only manifest in my mind. Tamp it down, silly girl. How could you let a blush creep across your face so easily at the mere sound of his name?
An hour to go. Even so, I have to make it home for dinner first and some nerve-detangling.
I'm keeping this private first.
Hee, I hope it goes normal. >_>

He knows I exist, okay I'm done here. ^_^


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