Oh, Louisiana.

Thursday 30 May 2013 | 17:32 | 0 voices
I'm falling deeper. I'm not afraid to admit that it's consuming me inside, yet so afraid of letting it eat me whole. Almost every second is punctuated with an image of you smiling but with your eyes focused somewhere else. I'm in love with how you look, the way you smile. I am hopelessly drawn to that light in your eyes, or were your eyes already auroras when I first saw you in the cramped lounge? 

Forgive me for the glances that linger too long, forgive me for my averted eyes when I sense that you're nearby, forgive the intensity of my feelings whenever they are shown. If I were you, I would have caught on immediately to the frazzled nerves and tension in the air. I'm sorry for valuing your presence in this way, I can see no way for me to cease the ticking. 

I can't get this weight off my chest.


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