Oh, Louisiana.

011; Last day of 2012.
Monday 31 December 2012 | 19:10 | 0 voices
Song Of The Day: Foster The People - I Would Do Anything For You

Greetings! It's already the end of 2012 and it feels like any other ordinary day. But the beginning of my 2013 isn't that boring! I will be spending the first week of the new year in Hong Kong with my mother's brother's family. I am honestly thrilled to expose my face to cool air and I believe that that should be the only part of nature my body should ever be subjected to. The Mayans didn't exactly state that the world would end in 2012 but they did predict one thing right: The end of this year is a downright shoddy one. In fact, 2012 was a terrible one for me. The nasty events outweighed the good, leaving me bitter and bruised. Reflecting on this year is going to leave a bad taste in my mouth, so forget it. >:( But I hope for better things (and a better attitude towards life) to befall me in the upcoming year. :3 Cheers!

I'm... Going to bring that husky hat you gave me. I remember the day it all went awry, because I was the dumb one and my brain couldn't take the betrayal I had dreamed up. I told you I would wear it since you gave it to me. I'm stupid, I know, but I would reopen each wound and drip salty tears all over it till it burns. Burns so badly it numbs me. Last night, I felt a surge of anger and I believe I almost hated you for that brief moment. You were yourself, still beautiful, still human, all these attributes of yours ever so deadly. Whatever feelings I have for you can never be lukewarm. Love, hate or maybe, just maybe, severe indifference. I hope you are doing fine and it makes me happy to know that you're not moping around. I must be the only one stupid enough to suffer from insomnia hur.


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