Oh, Louisiana.

005; Teehee.
Saturday 7 July 2012 | 01:25 | 0 voices
I was feeling really moody earlier on (Sigh, what's new, right?) but I have lost my thoughts. :D I think that I'm an extremely organised person, especially when it involves the things in my head. It renders me inflexible and rigid, sadly. Anyway, the second week of Term 3 is over. I survived with little sleep per day. 'Little sleep' in my books means a duration of less than eight hours. I'm probably straining under my lack of sleep so I should sleep really soon.

Today, I met Zoey at the GNC and chatted with her for a while. She mentioned the Higgs-Boson particle and my ignorant self presumed that the discovery of the 'God particle' will have a significantly large impact on religious bodies. According to her, that had nothing to do with religion. D: I wanted to 'facepalm' myself, gah.   I thought I hated Physics but quantum is fascinating... I'm getting incoherent. Might edit this post later in the afternoon. :D

Anyway, pics!

Lix brought a sheet of cute bunny stickers and I couldn't resist asking for two. I pasted them on my iPod and they be holding hands! Cute, no?

This boy was doing his Lit homework on my huge pencilbox, while sitting across the table from me. He was Scrambling too, of course. Fun fun. :P I study best when he's nearby, actually. I feel a sense of peace. Alright, don't laugh at me. :x

We visited Prologue at Orchard Central last Saturday and he bought 1984, a book on philosophy and a good Staedtler mechanical pencil. The pencil was heavy enough for a firm grip.

I should end off with a quote I like, don't I?

Nah, I can't think of any. Goodnight, y'all!



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